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What to expect from a Hypnobirthing online or in-person course?

Hypnobirthing is a natural birthing method based on self-hypnosis, relaxation, and meditation to help pregnant women and couples feel more serene and prepared for birth. Its approach focuses on visualizing birthing as a completely natural process. It aims to remove the fear and fear of pain from the childbirth experience by empowering women with knowledge and confidence. It is an ideal method if you wish to give birth in the most natural way possible, without using painkillers or an epidural for instance. There are different Hypnobirthing courses. HypnoBirthing® is a program created by Marie Mongan that will teach you how to visualize birth as a natural process and the natural expression of life. As such, you will learn to understand that it doesn’t necessarily have to be painful for as long as you let your body do what it is meant for, at its own rhythm. A HypnoBirthing course will provide you with knowledge, materials, and exercises to help you prepare and relax prior to and while giving birth, such as positive thinking and affirmations, visualization, breathing techniques, and physical preparation. Learn more about Hypnobirthing by visiting "Our categories of services" in the footer menu.

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