Alyne Prado Doula - Doula packages

Amstelveen, Netherlands

Photos & Videos


Doula Support

3 prenatal meetings
1 massage for the expecting mom
24/7 on call from 38 weeks to 42 weeks pregnancy
Continual support during birth
Placenta Tree of Life
1 postpartum visit including breastfeeding consultancy
Belly Binding (optional)

How it works:

Here you can read a bit more about my work
Due to my background as a Speech Therapist, Doula, Breastfeeding expert and Hipnobirthing teacher, I offer a complete doulage package! I offer support to the clients from pregnancy to postpartum including breastfeeding consultancy.

Introdutory Meeting
Our first contact will be simple and relaxed, free from any commitment. Usually it can be a video call or a chat in a cafe. In this meeting I will explain how my work is, I will answer your questions, and above all I will listen to you. If after this meeting you decide to hire my doling services, then we will schedule our first prenatal consult.

Prenatal Meetings
The doula's work is based on three pillars: Inform, Support and Connect. ​
During these prenatal meetings, in addition to creating this very important pregnant-doula connection, you will also receive the information you need to feel safe and supported in your decisions, whatever it may be.

Labour Physiology
Staged birth process
What's going on in your body
Delivery Location Options
Breathing Techniques
Relaxating techniques
Natural and medicinal pain relief
Birth wishes
Help in preparing the birth plan
The golden hours
Post childbirth

During Labor
This service starts from the 38th to the 42nd week of pregnancy. I will be available to support you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone, email or SMS. As soon as the first signs of childbirth start, we will be in regular contact to monitor the progression, and decide the best time for me to be physically present. During the active phase of childbirth, I will be providing physical and emotional support so that the mother is relaxed, comfortable and confident.
After the birth, I still remain for 2 hours to encourage and support the new family during the all-important “Golden Hours”.

Golden Hours:
It's the first 3 hours after birth. It is very important that mothers have the opportunity to be skin-to-skin with their babies during these hours to breastfeed and form this immediate bond. Skin-to-skin contact promotes strong bonds between mothers and babies, generating better breastfeeding performance.

Additional info

About the practitioner

  • Spoken language(s): English, Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish
  • Experience in years: 3

Service location

  • Online
  • At home
  • At the practice

Catalogue of services

Doula standard package - 23h

Pregnancy & Birth Doulas
This packages includes:
This packages includes:
- 3 prenatal meetings
- 1 massage for the expecting mom
- 24/7 on call from 38 weeks to 42 weeks pregnancy
- Continual support during birth
- Placenta Tree of Life
- Postpartum visit

Price is including VAT. Travel costs are excluded.


Doula Pre-Natal - 6h

Pregnancy & Birth Doulas
The doula's work is based on three pillars: Inform, Support and Connect. ​
The doula's work is based on three pillars: Inform, Support and Connect. ​
During these prenatal meetings, in addition to creating this very important pregnant-doula connection, you will also receive the information you need to feel safe and supported in your decisions, whatever it may be.

Labour Physiology
Staged birth process
What's going on in your body
Delivery Location Options
Breathing Techniques
Relaxating techniques
Natural and medicinal pain relief
Birth wishes
Help in preparing the birth plan
The golden hours
Post childbirth

Price is including VAT. Travel costs are excluded.


Free intro consult - 30m

Pregnancy & Birth Doulas
Book this free and non-binding consult to learn more about me and see how I can help you. I look forward...
Book this free and non-binding consult to learn more about me and see how I can help you. I look forward to hearing from you!


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Booking policies ⚠️ Only apply to bookings made on Parentally

Cancellation policy: Flexible

> If the asker cancels more than 2 day(s) 0 hour(s) before the start of the service, he will be refunded 100 % of the amount paid
> If the asker cancels less than 2 day(s) 0 hour(s) before the start of the service, he will be refunded 50 % of the amount paid

Specific Terms & Conditions

I'm Alyne Prado, Brazilian, mom of 2, living in the Netherlands - Amstelveen since 2007. In addition to Portuguese, I also speak Dutch and English.

As a doula, mother and woman, I defend the empowerment of pregnant women in their own childbirth. The more information and knowledge about the entire process from pregnancy to childbirth you have, the more knowledgeable you will be to make the right decision.

Encouragement, reassurance, respect and love, are the pillars to make your labor a positive experience and make yourself the protagonist of this wonder

Besides all information about pregnancy, breathing techniques, positioning, massage for pain relief and self awareness of your body and instinct, I also explain everything about the Dutch obstetric system and help you draw up your birth plan.

After giving birth, I will be there to give you additional support for breastfeeding.

I believe that Gentle birth is a process where empowerment and well-being go hand in hand. Therefore, it is essential to nurture future mothers and fathers with relevant information so that the choices about this moment are made in an assertive and conscious way.

Don't hesitate to have a look at my other services via "My profile" to learn more about me. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Calendar of availabilities

Latest reviews

Average rating:
Bruna P.

Desde o primeiro dia que descobri que estava grávida eu queria uma doula para me acompanhar. Por estar em um país que não falo muito bem a língua era essencial para mim que a doula entendesse bem holandês. Mas o mais importante era eu me sentir acolhida, segura e que a afinidade fosse de primeira com a pessoa que estaria ao meu lado no momento mais desafiador da minha vida. Eu encontrei na Alyne tudo isso e muito mais. Desde o primeiro contato eu já me senti muito bem e para mim o "santo bateu" na hora. Na primeira visita ela também conquistou meu marido, que disse assim que ela saiu da nossa casa: eu gostei bastante dela. Nos encontros pré-natais aprendi muito e cada vez me sentia mais preparada. O grupo no whats app e os encontros de gestantes que a Alyne organiza, foram ótimos e me ajudaram muito. No meu trabalho de parto a Alyne foi essencial! Lembro que ela chegou e transformou o ambiente, deixou tudo aconchegante e perfeito. Sua calma durante todo o processo me ajudou muito a focar no que era importante. E digo com toda certeza do mundo, só consegui passar por todo o trabalho de parto, sem nenhum anestesia porque tive o suporte da Alyne. Só consegui parir a minha filha do jeito mais natural possivel e sem nenhuma intervenção médica, porque a Alyne estava lá comigo! Só tenho a agradecer a Alyne por todo cuidado, carinho, atenção e respeito comigo, com meu marido e minha bebê!

Sanne V.

In februari 2022 beviel ik van mijn eerste kind. Alyne was onmisbaar tijdens mijn bevalling en in de periode daarvoor. Ik ben heel blij dat we, ondanks de kosten en de kwetsbaarheid van een bevalling, voor Alyne gekozen hebben. Als jij, net als ik destijds, niet zeker weet of een doula iets voor jou is, zijn hier wat redenen om voor een doula in het algemeen en Alyne in het bijzonder te kiezen.
Als je moeilijke keuzes moet maken is er iemand die vanuit compassie, maar zonder persoonlijk belang met je meedenkt. Alyne kwam pro-actief met ideeën en gaf me het zelfvertrouwen om kritische vragen te stellen aan zorgverleners. Ik voelde me gesteund en alsof ik de regie had in het proces. Ik kwam zo ook tot een mooi geboorteplan. Ook toen mijn bevalling niet kon zoals ik het het liefste had gewild, was Alyne er voor ons. Er was ruimte voor teleurstelling en we pasten samen het plan aan, waardoor ik vertrouwen bleef houden in mijn lichaam.
Tijdens de bevalling was Alyne onmisbaar. Ze was er als we haar nodig hadden, maar nam op geen enkele manier de ruimte over. Mijn partner kon me beter steunen door haar aanwezigheid. We konden alletwee volledig onszelf zijn. Alyne steunde ons op een praktische manier (ze stelde bijvoorbeeld houdingen voor), en vergemakkelijkte de communicatie met zorgverleners. Toen het me niet meer zo goed lukte om voor mezelf op te komen, nam Alyne dat van me over. Dankzij Alyne voelde ik me veilig en sterk.
Dankzij Alynes bezoek na de bevalling kon ik de bevalling makkelijker een plaatsje geven: zij kon details aanvullen die ik was vergeten of over het hoofd had gezien. Daardoor begreep ik beter waarom bepaalde keuzes gemaakt moesten worden.

Fernanda B.

De todas as decisões que tomei durante a minha gestação, com certeza a escolha da Alyne foi a mais assertiva. Eu, recém chegada na Holanda, sem saber nada do sistema de saúde, completamente perdida e desesperada. Nos nossos encontros pré-nascimento, já me senti muito mais segura e confiante, pois Alyne me esclareceu tudo, tirou as minhas dúvidas e me orientou a respeito da gestação e parto. Fizemos também treinamento de massagens, técnicas de respiração e exercícios. Fui para o parto super segura. Durante o meu trabalho de parto tive a Alyne o tempo todo do meu lado, segurando a minha mão, me tranquilizando, conversando comigo. E olha que não foi rápido! Quase quarenta horas do inicio das contrações até o nascimento da minha filha. Alyne veio para a minha casa logo no início, e foi perfeito! Ela deixou a minha casa linda, iluminação, aromatização e tudo que eu poderia ter de melhor para esse momento tão especial. Me fez milhares de massagens e me encorajava a cada contração. Depois fomos para o hospital e mais uma vez ela estava lá com a gente! Ter ela do meu lado foi fundamental e extremamente importante para me ajudar na tomada das decisões, principalmente porque as coisas não saiam como eu desejei e tivemos algumas intercorrências no caminho. Ter ela, uma doula falante de inglês e holandês, entende tudo sobre o sistema, competente, tranquila e segura ao meu lado, realmente não sei como seria sem ela. Meu parto terminou em Cesárea e Alyne só foi embora depois de colocar minha bebezinha para mamar! Sem palavras para agradecer todo esforço e carinho!! Não teria como ter sido melhor!

Clare M.

I worked with Alyne for my first birth and she was a great doula. I would highly recommend her. She was incredibly responsive and supportive during my pregnancy, as I was in labor, and post birth as well. She has a lot of knowledge about everything from hybnobirth techniques all the way through to breastfeeding. We will definitely use her again if we have another child!

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